

        賀鋒 研究員

        職  稱(chēng): 研究員
        學(xué)  歷: 博士研究生
        聯(lián)系方式: 027-68780832
        電子郵件: hefeng#ihb.ac.cn(請改#為@)
        辦  公  室: 綜合樓125




            設計建設人工濕地水質(zhì)改善、水體生態(tài)修復工程40余項,如:北京奧林匹克森林公園人工濕地水質(zhì)改善工程,日處理2.3萬(wàn)噸清河污水廠(chǎng)尾水和奧海湖水,保障了龍形水系的水質(zhì),為市民提供了休閑的場(chǎng)所,并成為重要的科普和環(huán)保教育基地。杭州西湖水質(zhì)提升與生態(tài)修復工程,重建了水下森林,為西湖正式列入世界遺產(chǎn)名錄,G20峰會(huì )的水環(huán)境保障和水景觀(guān)美化做出了重要貢獻。






        社會(huì )任職:


        中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )環(huán)境生物學(xué)分會(huì )副主任委員,《濕地科學(xué)與管理》編委。











        2006年獲中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )“優(yōu)秀學(xué)會(huì )工作者獎”


        2003年獲中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )“青年科技獎”

        2002年獲湖北省科技進(jìn)步二等獎(第6)、中國環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)會(huì )“優(yōu)秀環(huán)境科技工作者獎”





        1.            Lin Ma, Lingli Yang, Wei, Liu, Yi Zhang, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Environmental factors and microbial communities jointly regulate biological dephosphorization process in pond-ditch circulation systems (PDCSs) for rural wastewater treatment. The Science of the total environment, 2020, 758, 143629.

        2.            Tao Huang, Wei Liu, Yi Zhang, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. A stable simultaneous anammox, denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation and denitrification process in integrated vertical constructed wetlands for slightly polluted wastewater. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 262, 114363.

        3.            Lin Ma, Wei Liu, Qiyang Tan, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Quantitative response of nitrogen dynamic processes to functional gene abundances in a pond-ditch circulation system for rural wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 2019,134, 101-111.

        4.            Long Wang, PanPan Liu, Jian Sun, Yi Zhang, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Comparison and combination of selective grazing on natural seston by benthic bivalves (Hyriopsis cumingii) and pelagic fish (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 33:33423-33431.

        5.            Lin Ma, Weijun Tong, Hongguang Chen, Jian Sun, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Quantification of N2O and NO emissions from a small-scale pond-ditch circulation system for rural polluted water treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 619:946-956.

        6.            Lei Zeng, Feng He*, Yi Zhang, Biyun Liu, Zhigang Dai, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Size-dependent responses of zooplankton to submerged macrophyte restoration in a subtropical shallow lake. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2018, 36, 2:376-384.

        7.            Jian Sun, Long Wang, Lin Ma, Tao Huang, Wenping Zheng, Fenli Min, Yi Zhang, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Determinants of submerged macrophytes palatability to grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 85:657-663.

        8.            Long Wang, Jian Sun, Wenping Zheng, Tao Huang, Yi Zhang, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Effects of a Combined Biological Restoration Technology on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Eutrophic Water. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018, 27, 5:2293-2301.

        9.            Hua Wei, Feng He*, Dong Xu, Qiaohong Zhou*, Enrong Xiao, Liping Zhang, Zhenbin Wu. A comparison of the growth and photosynthetic response of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara to a long-term water depth gradient under flowing and static water. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2018, 33: 223-237.

        10.        Jian Sun, Long Wang, Lin Ma, Fenli Min, Tao Huang, Yi Zhang, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Factors affecting palatability of four submerged macrophytes for grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24, 36:28046-28054.

        11.        Qinwei Lin, Biyun Liu*, Fenli Min, Yi Zhang, Jianmin Ma, Feng He*, Lei Zeng, Zhigang Dai, Zhenbin Wu. Effects of aluminate flocculant on turion germination and seedling growth of Potamogeton crispus. Aquatic Toxicology, 2017, 193: 236-244.

        12.        Fenli Min, Jincheng Zuo, Yi Zhang, Qingwei Lin, Biyun Liu, Jian Sun, Lei Zeng, Feng He*, Zhenbin Wu*. The Biomass and Physiological Responses of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara to Epiphytic Algae and Different Nitrate-N Concentrations in the Water Column. Water, 2017, 11, 9: 863.

        13.        Qinwei Lin, Feng He*, Jianmin Ma, Yi Zhang, Biyun Liu, Fenli Min, Zhigang Dai, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Impacts of residual aluminum from aluminate flocculant on the morphological and physiological characteristics of Vallisneria natans and Hydrilla verticillata. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145:266-273.

        14.        Shuai Wang, Yi Zhang, Lei Zeng, Biyun Liu, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Effects of different planting methods on the growth of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara in dynamic and static water environments. Plant Science Journal, 2017, 35, 5: 691-698.

        15.        Zisen Liu, Yi Zhang*, Biyun Liu, Lei Zeng, Dong Xu, Feng He*, Lingwei Kong, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Adsorption performance of modified bentonite granular (MBG) on sediment phosphorus in all fractions in the West Lake, Hangzhou, China. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 106: 124-131.

        16.        Lei Zeng, Feng He*, Zhigang Dai, Dong Xu, Biyun Liu, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Effect of submerged macrophyte restoration on improving aquatic ecosystem in a subtropical, shallow lake. Ecological Engineering, 2017, 106:578-587.

        17.        Long Wang, Feng He*, Jian Sun,Yun Hu,Tao Huang,Yi Zhang,Zhenbin Wu. Effects of three biological control approaches and their combination on the restoration of eutrophicated waterbodies. Limnology, 2017, 18, 3:301~313.

        18.        Lingwei Kong, Feng He*, Shibin Xia, Dong Xu, Yi Zhang, Lu Wang, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Research on the application of the modified aquatic mat pond and integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland coupling process based on luffa sponges for micro-polluted water treatment. Desailnation and Water Treatment, 2017, 76:155-165.

        19.        Jian Sun, Lin Ma, Long Wang, Yun Hu, Yi Zhang, Zhenbin Wu, Feng He*. Assessing the Effects of Grass Carp Excretion and Herbivory of Submerged Macrophytes on Water Quality and Zooplankton Communities. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26,4:1681-1691.

        20.        Lei Zeng, Feng He*, Yi Zhang, Biyun Liu, Zhigang Dai, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. How Submerged Macrophyte Restoration Promotes a Shift of Phytoplankton Community in a Shallow Subtropical Lake. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26, 3:1363-1373.

        21.        Yi Zhang, Feng He*, Zisen Liu, Biyun Liu, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Release characteristics of sediment phosphorus in all fractions of West Lake, Hang Zhou, China. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 95:645-651.

        22.        Lin Ma, Feng He*, Tao Huang, Qiaohong Zhou,Yi Zhang,Zhenbin Wu. Nitrogen and phosphorus transformations and balance in a pond-ditch circulation system for rural polluted water treatment. Ecological Engineering, 2016.117~126.

        23.    Yun Hu, Feng He*, Lin Ma, Yi Zhang, Zhengbin Wu, Qiaohong Zhou. Microbial nitrogen removal pathways in integrated vertical flow constructed wetland systems, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 207: 339-345.

        24.    Yi Zhang, Feng He*, Lingwei Kong, Biyun Liu, Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Release characteristics of sediment P in all fractions of Donghu Lake, Wuhan, China. Desailnation and Water Treatment, 2016, 57, 53:25572-25580.

        25.    Yun Hu, Feng He*, Long Wang, Jian Sun, Tao Huang, Zhengbin Wu. The Fate of Ammonium in Integrated Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands Using Stable Isotope Technique. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, 25, 3:1027-1032.

        26.        Zhang Y, He F*, Xia S B, Zhou Q H, Wu Z B. Studies on the treatment efficiency of sediment phosphorus with a combined technology of PCFM and submerged macrophytes. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 206: 705-711.

        27.        Ma L, He F*, Sun J, Huang T, Xu D, Zhang Y, Wu Z B. Effects of flow speed and circulation interval on water quality and zooplankton in a pond-ditch circulation system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(13): 10166-10178.

        28.        Ma L, He F*, Sun J, Wang L, Xu D, Wu Z. Remediation effect of pond-ditch circulation on rural wastewater in southern China. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 77: 363-372.

        29.        孫健,賀鋒*,吳振斌,曾磊,賀珊珊,蔡世顏。影響草魚(yú)攝食水生植物因素的研究進(jìn)展,水產(chǎn)學(xué)雜志,2019,3203):53-57。

        30.        鄭文萍,童偉軍,馬琳,張義,吳振斌,賀鋒*.輻照提高人工濕地美人蕉抗寒性及其越冬效果研究,水生生物學(xué)報,2019,43(01):173-180。

        31.        童偉軍,鄭文萍,馬琳,張義,賀鋒*,吳振斌.不同生物促生劑添加量對垂直流人工濕地水質(zhì)凈化效果的影響,水生生物學(xué)報,2019,43(2):431-438。

        32.        王帥,張義,曾磊,劉碧云,吳振斌,賀鋒*。動(dòng)靜態(tài)水環(huán)境下不同種植方式對苦草生長(cháng)的影響。植物科學(xué)學(xué)報,2017,35(5):691-698。

        33.        武俊梅,周巧紅,徐棟,龔成,吳振斌,賀鋒*。天鵝洲故道水生態(tài)研究進(jìn)展。水生生物學(xué)報,2017,41(4):935-946。

        34.        黃福青,陳迪松,武俊梅,徐棟,吳振斌,賀鋒*?;谟行Ь徑饣|(zhì)堵塞的IVCW結構和工藝優(yōu)化研究。中國給水排水,2017,33(2):31-36。

        35.        姚遠,賀鋒*,胡勝華,孔令為,劉碧云,曾磊,張麗萍,吳振斌。沉水植物化感作用對西湖濕地浮游植物群落的影響。生態(tài)學(xué)報,2016,36(4):971-978。

        36.        陶敏,賀鋒*,胡晗,郭建林,吳振斌,王啟爍。碳氧調控下人工濕地凈化效果的協(xié)同與拮抗研究。中國環(huán)境科學(xué),2015,35(12):3646-3652。

        37.        孫健,賀鋒*,張義,劉碧云,周巧紅,吳振斌。草魚(yú)對不同種類(lèi)沉水植物的攝食研究。水生生物學(xué)報,2015,39(5):997-1002。