

        胡春香 研究員

        職  稱(chēng): 研究員
        學(xué)  歷: 博士研究生
        聯(lián)系方式: 86-27-68780866
        電子郵件: cxhu#ihb.ac.cn(請改#為@)
        辦  公  室: 2號實(shí)驗樓612


          研究員,博士,博士生導師,特殊環(huán)境藻類(lèi)生物學(xué) 學(xué)科帶頭人。1996-1999年中國科學(xué)院水生生物研究所博士生,2000-2002年挪威奧斯陸大學(xué)(Oslo University)藥學(xué)院(Institute of Pharmacy)糖化學(xué)方向客座研究員、博士后。 

          目前承擔的任務(wù):主持國家科技部基礎專(zhuān)項重點(diǎn)任務(wù)、國家863課題、國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,參與中國科學(xué)院第一批先導專(zhuān)項、中國科學(xué)院國際創(chuàng )新團隊項目、中國科學(xué)院與中國石化集團合作項目、國家林業(yè)公益性行業(yè)科研專(zhuān)項等。相關(guān)成果已獲國家授權發(fā)明專(zhuān)利8項、省部級自然科學(xué)二等獎1項、科技進(jìn)步三等獎2項、發(fā)表科研論文近篇,其中SCI源刊78篇,參編專(zhuān)著(zhù)4部。 











            Hu CX*, Gao KS, Whitton BA. Semi-arid Regions and Deserts. In: Ecology of Cyanobacteria II: Their Diversity in Space and Time (Whitton BA ed.), Springer Science + Business Media Dordrecht. p. 345-369, 2012 (*Corresponding author).   

            劉永定, 胡春香, 張文軍等著(zhù). 荒漠藍藻環(huán)境生物學(xué)與生物土壤結皮固沙. 科學(xué)出版社, 北京. pp: 469, 2013.  

            劉永定主編. --(-)綜合治理荒漠化與區域可持續發(fā)展. 科學(xué)出版社, 北京. pp: 149, 2013.  

          論文(*Corresponding author)  

            Xia L, Song SX, Hu CX*. High temperature enhances lipid accumulation in nitrogen deprived Scenedesmus obtusus XJ-15. J Appl Phycol, 28: 831-837, 2016.    

            Zhou XP, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effect of outdoor conditions on the biomass and lipid accumulation of six green algae. Energy Sources, Part A, 38(1): 82-87, 2016.  

            He QN, Yang HJ, Hu CX*. Optimizing light regimes on growth and lipid accumulation in Ankistrodesmus fusiformis H1 for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technol, 198: 876-883, 2015.   

          Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Analysis of environmental factors determining development and succession in biological soil crusts. Sci Total Environ, 538: 492-499, 2015.  

            He QN, Yang HJ, Wu L, Hu CX*. Effect of light intensity on physiological changes, carbon allocation and neutral lipid accumulation in oleaginous microalgae. Bioresource Technol,191: 219-228, 2015.  

            Yang HJ, He QN, Hu CX*. Lipid accumulation by NaCl induction at different growth stages and concentrations in photoautotrophic two-step cultivation of Monoraphidium dybowskii LB50. Bioresource Technol, 187, 221227, 2015.   

          Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effects of light and temperature on open cultivation of desert cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus. Bioresource Technol, 182: 144-150, 2015.  

            Lv Y, Xue X, Tao L, Zhang DL, Hu CX, et al. Effect of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS-A) from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae on human epidermoid carcinoma (A431 cells). Fresen Environ Bull, 24(10A): 3307-3314, 2015.  

            Xia L, Yang HJ, He QN, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Physiological responses of freshwater oleaginous microalgae Desmodesmus sp. NMX451 under nitrogen deficiency and alkaline pH-induced lipid accumulation. J Appl Phycol, 27(2):649-659, 2015.   

            Wu L, Xu LL, Hu CX*. Screening and characterisation of oleaginous microalgal species from Northern Xinjiang. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 25(6), 910917, 2015.   

          He QN, Yang HJ, Xu LL, Xia L, Hu CX*. Sufficient utilization of natural fluctuating light intensity is an effective approach of promoting lipid productivity in oleaginous microalgal cultivation outdoors. Bioresource Technol, 180: 79-87, 2015.  

            Zhang DL, Liu SY, Zhang J, Hu CX*, Li DH, Liu YD. Antioxidative responses in zebrafish liver exposed to sublethal doses Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Ecotox Environ Safe, 113: 425-432, 2015.   

            Wu L, Xu LL, Hu CX*. The microalgae and their community structure in Xinjiang area. Acta Hydrobiol Sin. 39(6): 1207-1216, 2015. (in Chinese)  

            Yang HJ, He QN, Rong JF, Xia L, Hu CX*  Rapid neutral lipid accumulation of the alkali -resistant oleaginous Monoraphidium dybowskii LB50 by NaCl induction. Bioresource Technol, 172, 131-137, 2014.   

            Xia L, Song SX, He QN, Yang HJ, Hu CX*. Selection of microalgae for biodiesel production in a scalable outdoor photobioreactor in north China. Bioresource Technol, 174: 274-280, 2014  

            Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Desiccation provides photosynthetic protection for crust cyanobacteria Microcoleus vaginatus from high temperature. Physiol Plant, 152: 345-354, 2014.  

            Wu L, Zhang GK, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Longitudinal photosynthetic gradient in crust lichens thalli. Microb Ecol, 67: 888-896, 2014.  

            Lan SB, Zhang QY, Wu L. Liu YD, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Artificially accelerating the reversal of desertification: cyanobacterial inoculation facilitates the succession of vegetation communities. Environ Sci Technol, 48, 307-315, 2014.   

            Xia L, Rong JF, Yang HJ, He QN, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. NaCl as an effective inducer for lipid accumulation in freshwater microalgae Desmodesmus abundans. Bioresource Technol, 161:402-409, 2014  

            Ge HM, Zhou XP, Xia L, Hu CX*. Effects of light intensity on component and topographical structure of extracellular polysaccharide from the cyanobacteria Micrococcus vaginatus. Phycologia, 53(2): 167-173, 2014.    

            Zhang DL, Zhang J, Hu CX*, Wang GH, Li DH, Liu YD. Morphological alterations and acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase inhibition in liver of zebrafish exposed to Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquat Toxicol, 157: 215-224, 2014  

            Yue T, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Comparative studies on phosphate utilization of two bloom-forming Microcystis sp. (Cyanobacteria) isolated from Lake Taihu (China). J Appl Phycol, 26:333339, 2014.  

            Ge HM, Xia L, Zhou XP, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effects of light intensity on component and topographical structure of extracellular polysaccharide from the cyanobacteria Nostoc sp. J Microbiol, 52(2): 179-183, 2014.   

            Li H, Rao B, Wang G, Shen S, Li D, Hu C, Liu Y. Spatial heterogeneity of cyanobacteria-inoculated sand dunes significantly influences artificial biological soil crusts in the Hobq Desert (China). Environ Earth Sci, 71(S1): 245-253, 2014  

            Wu L, Zhang GK, Chen XG, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Development and succession of artificial biological soil crusts and the changes of microbial biomasses. Environ Sci, 35(4): 267-273, 2014 (in Chinese)  

            Wu L, Chen XG, Zhang GK, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Development and succession of artificial biological soil crusts and water holding characteristics of topsoil. Environ Sci, 35(3): 348-353, 2014 (in Chinese)  

            Ge HM, Zhou XP, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effects of light and nitrogen source on the secretion of extracellular polysaccharides from Nostoc sp. Acta Hydrobiol Sin, 38(3): 483-489, 2014 (in Chinese)   

            Yue T, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Utilization of phosphorus in four forms of the three dominant Microcystis morphospecies in Lake Taihu. J Lake Sci, 26 (3): 379 -384, 2014 (in Chinese)  

            Xia L, Zhou XP, Ge HM, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Photoautotrophic outdoor two-stage cultivation for oleaginous microalgae Scenedesmus obtusus XJ-15. Bioresource Technol, 144: 261-267, 2013.   

            Zhou XP, Ge HM, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Feasibility of biodiesel production by microalgae Chlorella sp. (FACHB-1748) under outdoor conditions. Bioresource Technol, 138, 131-135, 2013.  

            Zhou XP, Ge HM, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Evaluation of oil -producing algae as potential biodiesel feedstock. Bioresource Technol,134: 24-29, 2013.  

            Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Li DH, Liu YD. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant response in zebrafish brain induced by Aphanizomenon flosaquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquat Toxicol. (144 -145): 250-256, 2013.  

            Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Li DH, Liu YD*. Zebrafish locomotor capacity and brain acetylcholine -esterase activity is altered by Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 aphantoxins. Aquat Toxicol. (138-139): 139-149, 2013.   

            Lan SB,Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. 2013. Assessing level of development and successional stages in biological soil crusts with biological indicators. Microb Ecol, 66(2):394-403, 2013.   

            Wu L, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Functional reactivation of photosystem II in lichen soil crusts after long-term desiccation. Plant Soil, 369 (1): 177-186, 2013.   

            Wu L, Zhang GK, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Microstructures and photosynthetic diurnal changes in the different types of lichen soil crusts. Eur J Soil Biol, 59: 48 -53, 2013.   

            Wu L, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Recovery of chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 exchange in lichen soil crusts after rehydration. Eur J Soil Biol, 55: 77-82, 2013.   

            Zhang Y, Hu CX*, Zhang DL. Effect of clinorotation on cellular structure, photosynthetic activity, carbohydrate and astaxanthin metabolism of Haematococcus pluvialis. Chin J Space Sci, 33(3): 293-301, 2013 (in Chinese)  

            Zhang DL, Hu CX, Wang, GH Li DH, Li GB, Liu YD*. Zebrafish neurotoxicity from aphantoxins -cyanobacterial paralytic shellfish poisons (PSPs) from Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1. Environ Toxicol, 28(5): 239-254, 2013.  

            Hu MM, Li YH, Wang Z, Wang Y, Hu C, Shen Y, Liu Y*, Li G, Li D. Seasonal dynamics and phylogenetic analysis of analysis of bacterioplankton in Lake Erhai, SW-China. Fresen Environ Bull, 21(1A): 127-136, 2012   

            Zhou XP, Xia L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Effect of outdoor conditions on the biomass and lipid accumulation of six green algae. Energ Source Part A, 2012, Doi: UESO -2012-0895.R2.   

            Zhang Y, Li XY, Ge HM, Wu L, Xia L, Wang GH, Hu CX*. Influence of clinorotation on cellular structure, photosynthetic activity, carbohydrate and astaxanthin metabolism of Haematococcus pluvialis. Fresen Environ Bull. 21 (8): 2017-2026, 2012.   

            Zhang Y, Li XY, Wang GH, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Physiological responses of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 under clinorotation. Microgravity Sci Tec, 24 (4): 281-286, 2012   

            Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Composition of photosynthetic organisms and diurnal changes of photosynthetic efficiency in algae and moss crusts. Plant Soil, 351(1): 325-336, 2012.   

            Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Successional stages of biological soil crusts and their microstructure variability in Shapotou region (China). Environ Earth Sci., 65: 77-88, 2012   

            Wu PP, Rao BQ, Hao ZJ, Liu YD*, Hu CX*, Li DH, Shen YW. Physiological and ultrastructural characteristics of Scytonema javanicum under high temperature. Acta Hydrobiol Sin. 2012, 36(4):735-743 (in Chinese)  

            Wu L, Lan SB, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. Small-scale vertical distribution of algae and structure of lichen soil crusts. Microb Ecol, 62:715-724, 2011.   

            Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Ethanol outperforms multiple solvents in the extraction of chlorophyll-a from biological soil crusts. Soil Biol Biochem, 43: 857-861, 2011.   

            Zhang DL, Hu CX, Wang GH, Liu YD. Response of apoptotic genes to aphantoxin-paralytic shellfish poison in freshwater extracted from the Aphanizomenon flos-aquae DC-1 in cells of brain on zebrafish. Acta Hydrobiol Sin, 35(2): 238-245, 2011(in Chinese)  

            Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*. On terrestrialization situation and its driving factors in Nansi Lake. J Lake Sci, 23(4): 643-648, 2011 (in Chinese)  

            Zhang DL, Liu YD, Hu CX*. On ecoregional frame and indices system based on lacustrine nutrients in China. J Lake Sci,23 (6): 821-827, 2011 (in Chinese)  

            Lan SB, Wu L, Zhang DL, Hu CX*, Liu YD. Effects of drought and salt stresses on man-made cyanobacterial crusts. Eur J Soil Biol, 46: 381 -386, 2010.   

            Lan SB, Hu CX*, Rao BQ, Wu L, Zhang DL, Liu YD. Non-rainfall water sources in the topsoil and their changes during formation of man-made algal crusts at the eastern edge of Qubqi Desert, Inner Mongolia. Sci China-Life Sci, 53 (9): 1131-1141, 2010.   

            Wang GH, Hao ZJ, Huang ZB, Li XY, Hu CX, Liu YD*. Raman spectroscopic analysis of a desert cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. in response to UV-B radiation. Astrobiology, 10(8): 783-788, 2010.   

            Xu JJ, Zhang DL, Wu GQ, Wang GH, Liu YD, Hu CX*. Effect of wind stress on photosynthetic activity of Microcoleus vaginatus crusts, Acta Hydrobiol Sin, 34(3): 575-581, 2010 (in Chinese)