

        張學(xué)治 研究員

        職  稱(chēng): 研究員
        學(xué)  歷: 博士研究生
        聯(lián)系方式: 86-27-68780929
        電子郵件: zhangxuezhi#ihb.ac.cn(請改#為@)
        辦  公  室: 3號實(shí)驗樓517









        1. Li, S.C. #, Mubashar, M. #, Qin, Y.F., Nie, X.F., Zhang, X.Z.*(2021) Aquaculture waste nutrients removal using microalgae with floating permeable nutrient uptake system (FPNUS), Bioresource Technology, 126338

        2. Zhang, H.Y., Gong, T., Li, J., Pan, B., Hu, Q., Duan, M., Zhang, X.Z.*(2021) Study on the Effect of Spray Drying Process on the Quality of Microalgal Biomass: a Comprehensive Biocomposition Analysis of Spray Dried S. acuminatus, Biomass. BioEnergy Research, DOI:10.1007/s12155-021-10343-8

        3. Li, L.L.#, Yu, T.B.#, Cheng, S.Z., Li, J., Li, C., Wang, G.H., Tan, D.Y., Lin, L., Zhang, H.Y.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2022) Removal of cyanobacteria using novel pre-pressurized coagulation: The effect of cellular properties and algogenic organic matter characteristics. Separation and Purification Technology, 282:119927.

        4. Nie, X.F.#, Zhang, H.Y.#, Cheng, S.Z., Mubashar, M., Xu, C., Li, Y.H., Zhang, X.Z.* (2021) Study on the cell-collector-bubble interfacial interactions during microalgae harvesting using foam flotation. Science of The Total Environment, 150901.

        5. Mubashar, M., Ahmad, Z., Li, C., Zhang, H.Y., Xu, X., Wang, G.H., Qiu, D.R., Song, L.R., Zhang, X.Z.* (2021), Carbon-negative and high-rate nutrient removal using mixotrophic microalgae, Bioresource Technology, 340:125731.

        6. 楊壽勇,張海陽(yáng),李成,李靜,張學(xué)治*. 2021)基于卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )模型的微藻種類(lèi)識別. 環(huán)境科學(xué)與技術(shù), 43:158-164

        7. Ahmad, Z., Zhang, X.Z., Imran, M., Zhong, H.. Andleeb. S., Zulekha, R., Liu, G.S., Ahmad, I., Coulon, F.. (2021). Production, functional stability, and effect of rhamnolipid biosurfactant from Klebsiella sp. on phenanthrene degradation in various medium systems, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 207:111514

        8. Zhang S., Chen. Y.S., Zang, X.M., Zhang, X.Z.* (2020) Harvesting of Microcystis aeruginosa using membrane filtration: Influence of pore structure on fouling kinetics, algogenic organic matter retention and cake formation, Algal Research, 52:102112.

        9. Liu, R., Wang, L., Yang, L., Liu, Q.L., Gao, Y.X., Ye, J., Xiao, J.R., Hu, Q.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2020) Ultrafiltration and microfiltration membrane performance, cleaning, and flux recovery for microalgal harvesting. Journal of Applied Phycology, 32:3101-3112.

        10. Nie, X.F.#, Mubashar, M. #, Zhang, S., Qin, Y.F., Zhang, X.Z.* (2020) Current progress, challenges and Perspectives in microalgae-based nutrient removal for aquaculture waste: A comprehensive review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 277:124209.

        11. Lu, Z.Y., Loftus, S., Sha, J., Wang, W.X., Park, M.S., Zhang, X.Z.*, Johnson, Z.I., Hu, Q. (2020) Water reuse for sustainable microalgae cultivation: Current knowledge and future directions. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 161:104975.

        12. Cheng, P.F., Chu, R.R., Zhang, X.Z., Song, L.R., Cheng, D.J., Zhou, C.X., Yan, X.J., Cheng, J.J., Ruan, R.* (2020) Screening of the dominant Chlorella pyrenoidosa for biofilm attached culture and feed production while treating swine wastewater. Bioresource technology, 318:124054. 

        13. Zang, X.M. #, Zhang, H.Y. #, Liu, Q.L., Li, L.L., Li, L., Zhang, X.Z.* (2020) Harvesting of Microcystis flos-aquae using chitosan coagulation: Influence of proton-active functional groups originating from extracellular and intracellular organic matter. Water Research, 185:116272.

        14. Zang, X.M., Wang, L., Xiao, J.R., Zhang, H.Y., Li, L.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2020) Harvesting Colonial Microcystis flos-aquae using two-stage filtration: Influence of pre-filtration on harvesting performance. Separation and Purification Technology, 116736.

        15. Yang, L., Zhang, H.Y., Cheng, S.Z., Zhang, W.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2020) Enhanced Microalgal Harvesting Using Microalgae-Derived Extracellular Polymeric Substance as Flocculation Aid. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, (10):4069-4075.  

        16. Lu, Z.Y.*, Sha, J., Wang, W.X., Li, Y.H., Wang, G.H., Chen, Y.S., Hu, Q., Zhang, X.Z.*. (2019) Identification of auto-inhibitors in the reused culture media of the Chlorophyta Scenedesmus acuminatus. Algal Research, 101665. 

        17. Yang, L., Wang, L., Ren, S.M., Pan, B., Li, J., Zhang, X.Z.*, Chen, Y.S., Hu. Q. (2019) Harvesting of Scenedesmus acuminatus using ultrafiltration membranes operated in alternative feed directions. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 28(1):103-109. 

        18. Liu, Q.L., Demirel, E., Chen, Y., Gong, T., Zhang, X.Z.*, Chen, Y.S.* (2019) Improving anti-fouling performance for the harvesting of Scenedesmus acuminatus using Fe2O3 nanoparticles incorporated PVC nanocomposite membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,136(25):47685.

        19. Liu, R., Chen, Y., Wang, L., Gong, Y.C., Zhang, X.Z.*, Park, M.S., Hu. Q. (2019) Influences of Cellular Characteristics and Media Properties on Membrane Microalgal Harvesting: A Comparative Study using Scenedesmus acuminatus Cultivated in Pilot Scale. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 94(5): 1679-1689.

        20. Wang, L., Pan, B., Gao, Y.X., Li, C., Ye, J., Yang, L., Chen, Y.S., Hu. Q.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2019) Efficient membrane microalgal harvesting: Pilot-scale performance and techno-economic analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218:83-95. 

        21. Sha, J., Lu, Z.Y., Ye, J., Wang, G.H., Hu, Q., Chen, Y.S.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2019) The inhibition effect of recycled Scenedesmus acuminatus culture media: Influence of growth phase, inhibitor identification and removal. Algal Research, 42:101612.

        22. Zhang, S., Gao, Y.X., Liu, Q.L., Ye, J., Hu, Q., Zhang, X.Z.* (2019) Harvesting of Isochrysis zhanjiangensis using ultrafiltration: Changes in the contribution ratios of cells and algogenic organic matter to membrane fouling under different cross-flow velocities. Algal Research, 41:101567.

        23. Ye, J., Sha, J., Liu, Q., Zhang, X.Z.*, Hu. Q., Chen, Y.S. (2019) Influence of growth phase on the harvesting of Scenedesmus acuminatus using ultrafiltration. Science of the Total Environment, 660:25-31.

        24. Zhang, H.Y. and Zhang, X.Z.* (2019) Microalgal Harvesting using Foam Flotation: A Critical Review. Biomass and Bioenergy, 120:176-188.

        25. Xiao, J.R., Liu, R., Yang, L., Hu, Q., Zhang, X.Z.* (2019) Macrofiltration-A leap towards high efficiency microalgal harvesting: A case study using Scenedesmus acuminatus. Algal Research, 37:1-10.

        26. Yang, L., Wang, L., Zhang, H.Y., Li, C., Zhang, X.Z.*, Hu, Q. (2018) A novel low cost microalgal harvesting technique with coagulant recovery and recycling. Bioresource Technology, 266:343-348.

        27. Fu, W.Y., Wang, L., Chen, F.J., Zhang, W.*, Zhang, X.Z.* (2018) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ultrafiltration membrane fouling and defouling behavior: EDLVO theory and interface adhesion force analysis. Journal of Membrane Science, 564:204-210.

        28. Wang, W.X., Sha, J., Lu, Z.Y.*, Shao, S.L., Sun, P.Z., Hu, Q., Zhang, X.Z.* (2018) Implementation of UV-based advanced oxidation processes in algal medium recycling. Science of the Total Environment, 634:243-250.

        29. Shao, S.L., Wang, Y., Shi, D., Zhang, X.Z., Fu, W.W., Liu, Z.Z.*, Li, J.Y. (2018) Biofouling in ultrafiltration process for drinking water treatment and its control by chlorinated-water and pure water backwashing. Science of the Total Environment, 644:306-314.

        30. Cheng, P.F., Zhou, C.X., Wang, Y., Xu, Z.H., Xu, J.L., Zhou, D.Q., Zhang, Y.H., Wu, H.Z., Zhang, X.Z., Liu, T.Z., Tang, M., Yang, Q.Y., Yan, X.J., Fan, J.H. (2018) Comparative transcriptome analyses of oleaginous Botryococcus braunii race A reveal significant differences in gene expression upon cobalt enrichment. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 11(333):1-19.

        31. Ye, J., Zhou, Q., Zhang, X.Z.*, Hu, Q. (2018) Microalgal dewatering using a polyamide thin film composite forward osmosis membrane and fouling mitigation. Algal Research, 31:421-429.

        32. Lu, Z.Y., Sha, J., Tian, Y., Zhang, X.Z.*, Liu, B.Y., Wu, Z.B.* (2017) Polyphenolic allelochemical pyrogallic acid induces caspase-3(like)-dependent programmed cell death in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Algal Research, 21:148-155.

        33. Zhang, X.Z.*, Lu, Z.Y., Wang, Y.F., Wensel, P., Sommerfeld, M., Hu, Q.* (2016) Recycling Nannochloropsis oceanica culture media and growth inhibitors characterization. Algal Research, 20:282-290.

        34. Zhang, X.Z.*, Wang, L., Sommerfeld, M., Hu, Q.* (2016) Harvesting microalgal biomass using magnesium coagulation-dissolved air flotation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 93:43-49.

        35. Zhang, W.*, Zhang, X.Z.*. (2015) Adsorption of MS2 on oxide nanoparticles affects chlorine disinfection and solar inactivation. Water Research, 69:59-67. 

        36. Zhang, X.Z.*, Hewson, J.C., Amendola, P., Reynoso, M., Sommerfeld M., Hu Q. (2014) Critical Evaluation and Modeling of Algal Harvesting Using Dissolved Air Flotation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111:2477-2485.

        37. Agbakpe, M., Ge, S.J., Zhang, W., Zhang, X.Z., Kobylarz, P. (2014) Algae harvesting for biofuel production: Influences of UV irradiation and polyethylenimine (PEI) coating on bacterial biocoagulation. Bioresource Technology, 166:266-272.

        38. Zhang, W., Zhang, W., Zhang, X.Z.*, Hu, Q., Chen, Y.S.* (2013) Characterization of dissolved organic matters responsible for ultrafiltration membrane fouling during membrane algal harvesting. Algal Research, 2(3):223-229.

        39. Richardson, J.W., Johnson, M.D., Zhang, X.Z., Zemke, P., Chen, W., Hu, Q. (2013) A financial assessment of two alternative cultivation systems and their contributions to algae biofuel economic viability. Algal Research, 4:96-104.

        40. Zhang, X.Z.*, Amendola, P., Hewson, J., Sommerfeld, M., Hu, Q.* (2012) Influence of growth phase on the harvesting of Chlorella zofingiensis using dissolved air flotation. Bioresource Technology, 116:477-484.

        41. Yang, J., Xu, M., Zhang, X.Z., Hu, Q., Sommerfeld, M., Chen, Y.S. (2011) Life-cycle analysis on biodiesel production from microalgae: Water footprint and nutrients balance. Bioresource Technology, 102(1):159-165.

        42. Wang, J.X., Zhu, X.S., Zhang, X.Z., Zhao, Z., Liu, H., George, R., Wilson-Rawls, W., Chang, Y.S., Chen, Y. (2011) Disruption of zebrafish (Danio rerio) reproduction upon chronic exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 83(4):461-467.

        43. Zhang, X.Z., Hu, Q., Sommerfeld, M., Puruhito, E., Chen, Y.S. (2010) Harvesting algal biomass for biofuels using ultrafiltration membranes. Bioresource Technology, 101(14):5297-5304.

        44. Zhu, X.S., Wang, J.X., Zhang, X.Z., Chang, Y., Chen, Y.S. (2010) Trophic transfer of TiO2 nanoparticles from daphnia to zebrafish in a simplified freshwater food chain. Chemosphere, 79(9):928-933.

        45. Zhang, X.Z., Chen, Y.S., Konsowa, A.H., Zhu, X.S., Crittenden, J.C. (2009) Evaluation of an innovative polyvinyl chloride (pvc) ultrafiltration membrane for wastewater treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 70(1):71-78.

        46. Sun, H.W., Zhang, X.Z., Zhang, Z.Y., Chen, Y.S., Crittenden, J.C. (2009) Influence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on speciation and bioavailability of arsenite. Environmental Pollution, 157:1165-1170.

        47. Zhu, X.S., Wang, J.X., Zhang, X.Z., Chang, Y., Chen, Y.S. (2009) The impact of ZnO nanoparticle aggregates on the embryonic development of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Nanotechnology, 20:1-9.

        48. Wang, R., Tsow, F., Zhang, X.Z., Peng, J.H., Forzani, E.S., Chen, Y.S., Crittenden, J.C., Destaillats, H., Tao, N.J. (2009) Real-time ozone detection based on a microfabricated quartz crystal tuning fork sensor. Sensors, 9:5655-5663.

        49. Wang, J.X., Zhang, X.Z., Wang, J., Chen, Y., Sommerfeld, M., Hu, Q. (2008) Toxicity assessment of manufactured nanomaterials using the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Chemosphere, 73:1121-1128.

        50. Zhang, X.Z., Sun, H.W., Zhang, Z.Y., Niu, Q., Chen, Y.S., Crittenden, J.C. (2007) Enhanced Bioaccumulation of cadmium in carp in the Presence of Titanium Dioxide nanoparticles. Chemosphere, 67:160-166.

        51. Sun, H.W., Zhang, X.Z., Niu, Q., Chen, Y.S., Crittenden, J.C. (2007) Enhanced accumulation of arsenate in carp in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 178:245-254.

        52. Liu, G.G, Zhang, X.Z., Xu, Y.J., Niu, X.S., Zheng, L.Q., Ding, X.J. (2005) The preparation of Zn2+ doped TiO2 nanoparticles by sol-gel and solid phase reaction methods respectively and their photocatalytic activities. Chemosphere, 59:1367-1371.

        53. Liu, G.G, Zhang, X.Z., Xu, Y.J., Niu, X.S., Zheng, L.Q., Ding, X.J. (2004) Effect of ZnFe2O4 doping on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. Chemosphere, 55:1287-1291.

        54. 張學(xué)治,孫紅文,張稚妍.鯉魚(yú)對納米二氧化鈦的生物富集[J].環(huán)境科學(xué),2006(08):1631-1635.

        55. 張學(xué)治,孫紅文.顯色法測定環(huán)境樣品中的納米二氧化鈦[J].安全與環(huán)境學(xué)報,2006(02):36-38.

        56. 劉國光,丁雪軍,張學(xué)治,鄭立慶.硝酸根對羅丹明B光解的敏化作用[J].環(huán)境化學(xué),2003(06):564-567.

        57. 牛新書(shū),許亞杰,張學(xué)治,劉國光,蔣凱.微乳液法制備納米二氧化鈦及其光催化活性[J].功能材料,2003(05):548-549+552.

        58. 劉國光,丁雪軍,張學(xué)治,鄭立慶.光催化氧化技術(shù)的研究現狀及發(fā)展趨勢[J].環(huán)境污染治理技術(shù)與設備,2003(08):65-69.

        59. 劉國光,張學(xué)治,丁雪軍,鄭立慶.二氧化鈦光催化劑的表征方法研究[J].環(huán)境污染治理技術(shù)與設備,2003(04):55-60.

        60. 劉國光,張學(xué)治,許亞杰,牛新書(shū),丁雪軍.鐵、鋅、鐵酸鋅摻雜對納米級二氧化鈦光催化降解羅丹明B活性的影響[J].環(huán)境工程,2003(02):72-74+6.