

        胡晗華 研究員

        職  稱(chēng): 研究員
        學(xué)  歷: 博士研究生
        聯(lián)系方式: 86-27-68780078
        電子郵件: hanhuahu#ihb.ac.cn(請改#為@)
        辦  公  室: 1號實(shí)驗樓415


        2001年于中國科學(xué)院水生生物研究所取得博士學(xué)位,同年8月到廈門(mén)大學(xué)生命科學(xué)學(xué)院工作。20021月至20042月在中國科學(xué)院過(guò)程工程研究所生化工程國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室從事博士后研究。20081月至20101月在法國巴黎高師(école normale supérieure)生物系植物分子生物學(xué)實(shí)驗室作訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者/博士后。20043月起歷任中國科學(xué)院水生生物研究所副研究員和研究員。曾任中國藻類(lèi)學(xué)會(huì )理事(200311-200710月)。2015年起兼任法國Université du Maine à Le Mans客座教授(Guest Professor)。 

        主要以三角褐指藻為模式研究硅藻對環(huán)境的適應策略及利用硅藻產(chǎn)油的生物技術(shù)。建立了一種簡(jiǎn)單的電穿孔轉化三角褐指藻的方法(Marine Genomics, 2014),與人合作闡明了硅藻尿素循環(huán)及其生態(tài)意義(Nature, 2011),揭示了氮限制下來(lái)自支鏈氨基酸降解與細胞質(zhì)糖酵解的碳流導致了硅藻細胞油脂的積累(Plant Cell, 2014),提出了促進(jìn)硅藻油脂產(chǎn)率有效增加的遺傳改良策略(Algal Research, 2015; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2017)。先后主持國家自然科學(xué)基金、國家重點(diǎn)基礎研究發(fā)展計劃和科技基礎性工作專(zhuān)項子課題等。在Nature、Plant Cell、Plant Journal、Progress in Lipid Research、Marine Pollution Bulletin等知名期刊發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)論文60多篇,取得授權專(zhuān)利一項。 






        1. Rastogi A, Vieira FRJ, Deton-Cabanillas A-F, Veluchamy A, Cantrel C, Wang G, Vanormelingen P, Bowler C, Piganeau G, Hu H*, Tirichine L*. A genomics approach reveals the genetic polymorphism, structure and functional diversity of ten accessions of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The ISME Journal. 2020, 14: 347-363.(*示通訊作者) 

        2. Chen Y, Hu H*. High efficiency transformation by electroporation of the freshwater alga Nannochloropsis limnetica. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2019, 35(8): 119. 

        3. Li X, Pan Y, Hu H*. Identification of the triacylglycerol lipase in the chloroplast envelope of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Algal Research. 2018, 33: 440-447. 

        4. Pan Y, Yang J, Gong Y, Li X, Hu H*. 3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase involved in isoleucine catabolism regulates triacylglycerol accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B‐Biological Sciences. 2017, 372(1728): 20160409. 

        5. Schoefs B*, Hu H*, Kroth PG*. The peculiar carbon metabolism in diatoms. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B‐Biological Sciences. 2017, 372(1728): 20160405. 

        6. Wei L, Xin Y, Wang Q, Yang J, Hu H*, Xu J*. RNAi-based targeted gene-knockdown in the model oleaginous microalgae Nannochloropsis oceanica. The Plant Journal. 2017, 89(6): 1236-1250. 

        7. Yang J, Pan Y, Bowler C, Zhang L, Hu H*. Knockdown of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase increases carbon flux to lipid synthesis in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Algal Research. 2016, 15: 50-58. 

        8. Ge F, Huang W, Chen Z, Zhang C, Xiong Q, Bowler C, Yang J, Xu J, Hu H*. Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase regulates triacylglycerol accumulation in the model diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The Plant Cell. 2014, 26(4): 1681-1697. 

        9. Zhang C, Hu H*. High-efficiency nuclear transformation of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum by electroporation. Marine Genomics. 2014, 16: 63-66. 

        10. Gong Y, Hu H*. Effect of silicate and inorganic carbon availability on the growth and competition of a diatom and two red-tide dinoflagellates. Phycologia. 2014, 53(5): 433-442. 

        11. Li F, Gao D, Hu H*. High-efficiency nuclear transformation of the oleaginous marine Nannochloropsis species using PCR product. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2014, 78(5): 812-817. 

        12. Gong Y, Wan X, Jiang M, Hu C, Hu H, Huang F. Metabolic engineering of microorganisms to produce omega-3 very long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Progress in Lipid Research. 2014, 56: 19-35. 

        13. Xu J, Hu H*. Screening high oleaginous Chlorella strains from different climate zones. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 144: 637-643. 

        14. Zha S, Xu X, Hu H*. A high sensitivity iron-dependent bioreporter used to measure iron bioavailability in freshwaters. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2012, 334(2): 135-142. 

        15. Chen Z, He C, Hu H*. Temperature responses of growth, photosynthesis, fatty acid and nitrate reductase in Antarctic and temperate Stichococcus. Extremophiles. 2012, 16(1): 127-133. 

        16. Allen AE, Dupont CL, Oborník M, Horák A, Nunes-Nesi A, McCrow JP, Zheng H, Johnson DA, Hu H, Fernie AR, Bowler C. Evolution and metabolic significance of the urea cycle in photosynthetic diatoms. Nature. 2011, 473(7346): 203-207. 

        17. Hu H*, Zhang J, Chen W. Competition of bloom-forming marine phytoplankton at low nutrient concentrations. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2011, 23(4): 656-663. 

        18. Maumus F, Allen AE, Mhiri C, Hu H, Jabbari K, Vardi A, Grandbastien M-A, Bowler C. Potential impact of stress activated retrotransposons on genome evolution in a marine diatom. BMC Genomics. 2009, 10: 624. 

        19. Hu H*, Li H, Xu X. Alternative cold response modes in Chlorella (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae) from Antarctica. Phycologia. 2008, 47(1): 28-34. 

        20. Zhang X, Hu H*, Tan T. Photosynthetic inorganic carbon utilization of gametophytes and sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyceae). Phycologia. 2006, 45(6): 642-647. 

        21. Hu H*, Chen W, Shi Y, Cong W. Nitrate and phosphate supplementation to increase toxin production by the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2006, 52(7): 756-760. 

        22. Hu H*, Gao K. Response of growth and fatty acid compositions of Nannochloropsis sp. to environmental factors under elevated CO2 concentration. Biotechnology Letters. 2006, 28(13): 987-992. 

        23. Hu H*, Shi Y, Cong W. Improvement in growth and toxin production of Alexandrium tamarense by two-step culture method. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2006, 18(2): 119-126. 

        24. Shi Y, Hu H*, Cong W. Positive effects of continuous low nitrate levels on growth and photosynthesis of Alexandrium tamarense (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae). Phycological Research. 2005, 53(1): 43-48. 

        25. Shi Y, Hu H*, Ma R, Cong W, Cai Z. Improved use of organic phosphate by Skeletonema costatum through regulation of Zn2+ concentrations. Biotechnology Letters. 2004, 26(9): 747-751. 

        26. Hu H*, Shi Y, Cong W, Cai Z. Growth and photosynthesis limitation of marine red tide alga Skeletonema costatum by low concentrations of Zn2+. Biotechnology Letters. 2003, 25(22): 1881-1885. 

        27. Hu H, Gao K. Optimization of growth and fatty acid composition of a unicellular marine picoplankton, Nannochloropsis sp., with enriched carbon sources. Biotechnology Letters. 2003, 25(5): 421-425.