

        蘇國歡 研究員

        職  稱(chēng): 研究員
        學(xué)  歷: 博士研究生
        聯(lián)系方式: 027-68780195
        電子郵件: suguohuan#ihb.ac.cn(請將#換為@)
        辦  公  室: 3號樓506 (臨時(shí))

        2009.09-2013.07 昆明理工大學(xué),生物工程,本科

        2013.09-2016.07 中國科學(xué)院水生生物研究所,水生生物學(xué),碩士

        2016.09-2020.12 法國圖盧茲第三大學(xué),生態(tài)學(xué),博士









        2023.06-2027.05中科院率先行動(dòng)人才項目”B類(lèi) 全球及區域淡水生物多樣性研究與保護,300萬(wàn),項目負責人


        通過(guò)對全球淡水魚(yú)類(lèi)生物地理分布格局,入侵特征及多維度多樣性變化及驅動(dòng)機制的研究,獲得了一系列研究成果。共發(fā)表科研論文20余篇,代表性成果發(fā)表在Science, Nature Communications, Global Ecology and Biogeography3篇)等國際權威期刊上。

        1.       Su, G.*, Logez, M., Xu, J., Tao S., Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2021) Human impacts on global freshwater fish biodiversity. Science, 371, 835–838.

        2.       Su, G.*, Mertel, A., Brosse, S., & Calabrese, J. M. (2023). Species invasiveness and community invasibility of North American freshwater fish fauna revealed via trait-based analysis. Nature communications,14, 2332.

        3.       Su, G.*, Tedesco, P., Toussaint, A., Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2022). Contemporary drivers and historical legacy determine global patters of freshwater fish functional diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31, 700-713.

        4.       Su, G.*, Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2020) Morphological sorting of introduced freshwater fish species within and between donor realms. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29, 803-813.

        5.       Su, G.*, Villéger, S. & Brosse, S. (2019) Morphological diversity of freshwater fishes differs between realms, but morphologically extreme species are widespread. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, 211-221.

        6.       Su, G.* & Xu J.* (2023). Editorial: Multiple Stressors and Ecological Response in Marine Fishery Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. 1122772.

        7.       Su, G., Xu, J., Akasaka, M., Molinos, J. G., & Shin-ichiro, S. M. (2015). Human impacts on functional and taxonomic homogenization of plateau fish assemblages in Yunnan, China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 4, 470-478.

        8.       Zhao, T., Su, G.*, Jiang, J., Li, N., Zhao, C., Sun, Z., & Khatiwada, J. R.* (2023). Functional diversity patterns reveal different elevations shaping Himalayan amphibian assemblages, highlighting the importance of morphologically extreme individuals. Ecological Indicators, 150, 110260.

        9.       Xu, C., Su, G.*, Zhao, K., Wang, H., Xu, X., Li, Z., Hu, Q., . . . Xu, J.* (2023). Assessment of greenhouse gases emissions and intensity from Chinese marine aquaculture in the past three decades. Journal of Environmental Management, 329, 117025.

        10.     Xu, C., Su, G.*, Zhao, K., Xu, X., Li, Z., Hu, Q., . . . Xu, J. (2022). Current status of greenhouse gas emissions from aquaculture in China. Water Biology and Security, 100041.


        2022 湖北省引才計劃創(chuàng )新項目獲得者。

